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Avon Clean Energy Commission Minutes 11/04/2009

                                          AVON CLEAN ENERGY COMMISSION
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by Chairman Olivier Gressier in the Avon Room, Building 1, Town Hall.  Members present: Chairman Olivier Gressier, Robert Martin, Bernard Zahren and Marty Kaplan.  Members absent: James DiPace, Linda Meyers and Brett Eisenlohr.  Advisory member present: Giorgina Paiella.  Advisory members absent: Diane Zhao and John Craig. Also in attendance was Talcott Mountain Science Center representative John Pellino.
Mr. Kaplan motioned, Mr. Martin seconded and all members present agreed to accept the minutes as written October 7, 2009.
Mr. Bud Pirrello of Lighting Technology offered to give some technical advice to the Public Works Director, Bruce Williams, on some current projects involving the purchase of energy efficient lighting.
Talcott Mountain Science Center representative John Pellino updated the members with the news that a renewable energy (solar, wind, fuel cells) curriculum is now available for use in the schools that is geared towards the middle school ages. He said a paper version is available on-line. Chairman Gressier would like to borrow the kit and instructions as he has had experience teaching an energy badge to the Scouts. Mr. Pellino also added that evening classes are coming back to the Science Center.
Mr. Martin met with Laurie Carlson of Public Works to address the requirements of the $4,000 Community Innovations Grant Program that is available. They chose the recently renovated buildings 5, 6 and 7 to use as a benchmark and effectively answered questions to qualify for the grant. Mr. Martin added that it is a grant that is to be primarily used for education. The grant requires periodic reports of the benchmarked buildings and maintaining a score of 75% or above. He will e-mail Ms. Dearstyne the information. Mr. Gressier suggested he include Assistant Town Manager Blythe Robinson as well.
Mr. Martin also told of Public Works Bruce William's recent choice of induction lighting for the new salt shed. He said Mr. Williams felt the choice would offer the best bang for the buck, given the advertised longevity of the bulb as installation provided the greatest expense no matter the choice of type. The lights will be on a timer, mainly lit in the evening and during winter storms. Mr. Zahren mentioned that the Federal government had just come out with new standards for efficiency in outdoor lighting. He feels that creating a standard should help to facilitate accessing the federal stimulus money.  Chairman Gressier cautioned that there are many players in the game making many claims about bulb life and that many of them will be gone. Mr. Martin said this was a project to watch for future town bulb replacement.
Mr. Kaplan spoke of the Farmington Woods' Green Festival that was held October 17th. He had a lot of positive feedback.  Talcott Mountain Science Center's Mr. Craig was there with a wonderful presentation of renewables, specifically wind and solar. Mr. Eisenlohr and Mr. Zahren were also there from the Commission. Representatives of the legislative group were there as well including State Representative Tim LeGeyt and State Senator Kevin Witkos.  Mr. David Pena did a good job of facilitating. The key question is what is the state going to do to provide competition so the price stabilizes or goes down. Mr. Roger Smith presented from the Clean Air-Clean Water Fund of which he is the administrator.  He was very instrumental with the Town of West Hartford's clean energy plan. Mr. Martin called him a great source for information on clean energy for the State. Mr. Kaplan said Mr. Smith would like to come in to present, to the members and others, ways to get more Avon residents to sign up for clean energy which would result in acquiring more solar panels. Mr. Gressier would like to include inviting Mr. Smith on the next agenda to hear his ideas that would help the members with their plan. Mr. Kaplan also told of an organic food presentation and a presentation by Dr. Mitch Kennedy, all in all, it was a very informative and successful day.
Mr. Kaplan explained the 1-2-3 process of buying energy. If CL & P buys energy but doesn't make it, then the law says we can tell them who to buy from. The Clean Energy Fund chose Sterling Planet and Community to provide clean energy in the state. The Fund wants other providers to promote clean energy in the state and can add them to this list. The increased premium one pays for the clean energy can be made up in a lower cost "brown" energy provider. One can go to to choose a standard electric supplier. To choose a clean energy supplier one can go to  Mr. Zahren feels this is a plan to get residents to sign up now for clean energy.
V. OLD BUSINESS a. Discuss Energy School Competition, b. Block Grant - Status
Mr. Gressier will meet with Board of Education Superintendent David Erwin to discuss the school energy competition on November 19th at 10:30AM. He said three members from the group could attend the meeting. Mr. Martin suggested combining energy reduction within the schools with resident sign up for clean energy in the competition. Mr. Gressier hopes the schools could do both. Ms. Paiella said the high school's Energy Club is looking to the Commission for direction on how to proceed.  She added the Club wants to talk to the teachers as they could turn off the computers and projectors and lights as a way to save energy. Mr. Gressier suggested meeting with the school clubs to get ideas and exchange information. Mr. Zahren liked the idea of promoting resident sign up to get more solar panels with the competition as more of an incentive to the students. He mentioned we'd need 400 points (points representing 1 household sign up/100 per panel) before we'd even get a solar panel. Mr. Gressier added there are many ways to promote behavior modification in the schools besides a contest.
Members discussed the pending grant.  Ms. Robinson submitted the materials this past Monday but was frustrated with a computer glitch on their end.  Mr. Kaplan surmised we wouldn't hear of our acceptance until after the first of the year.  Mr. Zahren added we still wouldn't receive the funds until after that. Mr. Zahren also suggested beginning work on the RFP for the garage doors in advance of the receipt of the funds and qualify it that we had not received the funds as of yet, but to still bid on the project as we were expected to. Mr. Kaplan said the lack of money did not deter respondents to the Request for Qualifications for the Canton Hydro project as they had fifteen replies. Mr. Martin concurred. Mr. Gressier suggested waiting for a verification letter before the money actually arrived.  Mr. Martin suggested adding the writing of the RFP to the next meeting's agenda.  Mr. Gressier advised to include Ms. Robinson with the plan.
VI. NEW BUSINESS: a. Draft interim plan - Bernie Zahren, b. Discuss 2010/2011 Budget
Mr. Zahren brought in a sample electric bill to show how the supplier charges included the standard service and clean energy's Sterling Planet. He explained that distribution charges cannot be changed.  Through the websites previously mentioned, one could select less expensive brown energies to offset the premium paid by selecting clean energy. He would like Ms. Dearstyne to update the town website to include this information as well as include it in the next town newsletter. Selection of Sterling Planet and Community Energy are the two approved clean energy suppliers that will provide the town with the solar panels. Both suppliers offered a $20-$25 bonus to the town for each person who signed up.  He lamented that the town hadn't received any money as of yet but should be looked into.  In addition to resident sign ups for clean energy, solar or wind installations can also be counted towards the points for free solar panels.
With the Commission being so new, Chairman Gressier would like to discuss the criteria needed to formulate a budget with Ms. Robinson as a prelude to submitting one. He said most of the funding for the Commission would be coming from grants. Mr. Martin reiterated the benefits Roger Smith could add to budget formulation discussions. He will be meeting with Ms. Robinson and can e-mail the other members. Mr. Gressier added that the ultimate goal of the group is to become self sustaining.                                                                                                                                                                            
On a motion by Chairman Gressier and seconded by Bernard Zahren, the members unanimously agreed to set the Commission's goal of signing up 1000 Avon households or 1000 points for clean energy by the end of 2010. None opposed.


Chairman Gressier motioned, Mr. Kaplan seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 PM. None opposed.
                                                                        Respectfully submitted:
                                                                        Chairman Olivier Gressier
Attest: Susan Gatcomb, Clerk